
Japanese “WEI QIAN” Won the Trademark Infringement Case against Wuxi “WEI QIAN”

April 10, 2006
The Japanese “WEI QIAN” Noodle sued Wuxi “WEI QIAN” noodle restaurant for trademark infringement and now the case is concluded. Before long, Wuxi intermediate people’s court in Jiangsu Province concluded the first instance and rendered a judgment ordering Wuxi Japanese stylized noodle restaurant to cease infringing the plaintiff’s trademark right and pay the plaintiff RMB 100,000 for compensation. At the same time, the court rejected the plaintiff’s claim that an apology notice should be published in the media.

Some principals of enterprises in Wuxi were present in audience’s seats at court. The expert said that, with the development of opening up of Chinese economy, the foreign related IP conflict would test our enterprises’ ability in handling emergencies, and the related responding ability should be taken into agenda of enterprises especially for those export oriented enterprises.



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