
Siemens vs. Hisence trademark case reconciled, Hisence redeemed registered trademark in low price

April 12, 2005
On March 6, 2005, China Hisense Group and German Bosch-Siemens Household Appliances Group (Bosch-Siemens Household Appliance) published a joint declaration (shortened as declaration hereinafter) in Beijing.

According to this declaration, after considerate consultation between Hisence and Bosch-Siemens, the two parties have finally reached reconciliation agreement on the trademark dispute. Bosch-Siemens agrees to assign trademark “HiSense” that it registered in Germany and all areas of EU in accordance with local law to Hisence Group, and withdraw at the same time trademark lawsuit against Hisense, and Hisense also agrees to withdraw the registration application of all trademarks of Bosch-Siemens Household Appliance.

President Ms. Yu Shumin, vice president Mr. Guo Qingcun, and vise president Mr. Wang Zhihao from Hisense Group, and president Mr.Caerker and vice president Mr. Wei Bo of Bosch-Siemens Household Appliances Group participated in the reconciliation negotiation on behalf their respective parties.

In the declaration, Hisence Group and Bosch-Siemens both express that they will actively cooperation opportunities in more related business fields, reinforce friendly cooperation and promote the development of their causes in the future on the basis of this reconciliation.

Both parties affirmed the efforts by Ministry of Commerce of PR China and China Association of Electric Household Appliances in creating negotiation chances and secure reconciliation, they said that they are appreciated for the active and creative work by Ministry of Commerce of PR China and China Association of Electric Household Appliances with a view to both parties’ reconciliation.



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