
Beijing investigated and prosecuted 200 Olympics infringing cases in 3 years

April 1, 2005
April 1st is the third anniversary of implementation of “Regulations on the Protection of Olympic Logo”. As revealed by relevant principal, in the past three years, Beijing has handled totally 199 cases of Olympics infringement, the amount of penalties totals 2.16 million yuan. As per introduced, the infringements nowadays focus in two trades, namely the tourist souvenir development and sports facilities exhibition and sale.

In the recent three years, Beijing has reinforced its efforts in treating Olympics infringing events year by year, 99 cases were handled in 2002, and fine punishment totaled 31,000 yuan; 45 cases handled in 2003, and fine punishment totaled 53,000 yuan; and 55 cases in 2004, with fines totaling 1.324 million yuan. As per explained by relevant officials, as the Olympics is increasingly hot, the infringements see larger scale, in the past year, Beijing police once captured 6,515 copies of illegal Olympics memorial album. According to Li Binghua, executive vice chairman of the Organizing Committee of Beijing Olympics, the two focuses of infringements nowadays are two trades, namely tourist souvenir development, and exhibition and sale of sports facilities.

It is learned that the Olympic logos and names registered and kept in file in State Industrial and Commercial Administration and State Intellectual Property Bureau total 56, including the five-ring logo, Chinese stamp, and the slogans of “New Beijing, Great Olympics” and so on.



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