
First anti-piracy declaration in Chinese audio/video industry published

March 12, 2005
“We will abide by the national law, start from ourselves and strictly obey the discipline, never publish, produce, sell, use or promulgate pirated audio/video products, to keep the source of creation away from pollution, and put an end to all infringements and piracies.” “Under the sunshine, we choose to survive, and leave no space in the sunshine for the piracies and pirates to exist; let's join hands with sunshine, and protect the spiritual home of our all.” On the “Summit of Audio/Video Protection in China” on February 26, representatives from the State Copyright Bureau, China Audio/Video Association, China Copyright Association, China Publishers Association approved Beijing Declaration, the first anti-piracy declaration in Chinese audio/video industry.

This summit is one of the serial activities of Copyright Protection Concert hosted by the State Copyright Bureau. At the same time, the 2005 China image representative for copyright protection was elected, famous Chinese director Feng Xiaogang was elected as the image representative for this year by ways of voting via Internet, text message and multimedia message. As the image representative, Feng Xiaogang will shoulder the responsibility to propagandize copyright protection and call for the public to fight against piracy.



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