
Hitachi GST Files Patent Infringement Complaint against GS Magicstor Companies

December 31, 2004
Hitachi GST Files Patent Infringement Complaint against GS Magicstor Companies
Hitachi Global Storage Technologies (Hitachi GST) announced on Wednesday that it has sued GS Magicstor Inc. of China, its Chinese parent company, GS Magic, Inc. and Riospring, Inc. of Milpitas, CA, Magicstor’s research affiliate, for infringement of multiple Hitachi GST patents relating to hard disk drives.

In the lawsuit which was filed in the US District Court of California, Hitachi GST seeks monetary damages and a permanent injunction that bars the GS Magic entities from making, using, importing, offering to sell, or selling the allegedly infringing products in the United States, a press release by Hitachi stated.

“Hitachi GST’s ability to compete in the hard disk drive industry is based on a history of deep investment in research and development, particularly in the advancement of innovative small-form-factor hard drives,” said Robert Holleran, general manager of Hitachi GST’s Hard Disk Drive Group.

“We have a responsibility to protect our investment and the intellectual property of our company against those who are competing unfairly in our industry,” he added.

Hitachi GST’s goal is to enable users to fully engage in the digital lifestyle by providing access to large amounts of storage capacity in formats suitable for the office, on the road and in the home.

The company offers customers worldwide a comprehensive range of storage products for desktop computers, high-performance servers and mobile devices.



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