
Stinger Purchases Patents for its Projectile Stun Gun & Band-ITTM Electronic Restraint

December 16, 2004
Stinger Purchases Patents for its Projectile Stun Gun & Band-ITTM Electronic Restraint
Stinger Systems, Inc., a provider of advanced non-lethal technologies, announced on Thursday that it has acquired patents number 5,841,622 and 6575,073 from James F. McNulty, Jr. former vice president for operations and engineering for Tasertron.

According to a press release by the Company, the acquired patents cover Stinger System’s Stinger projectile stun gun and Bandit electronic restraint. Stinger Systems formerly had exclusive worldwide licensing rights to these patents.

“We are pleased to have acquired these key patents which secure our position in the four dart projectile stun gun and the electronic restraint market,” said Robert Gruder, chairman and CEO of Stinger Systems.

“We are proceeding as planned with the first quarter launch of the Stinger projectile stun gun and look forward to giving the law enforcement community another choice in deciding which non-lethal stun weapon to choose,” he concluded.



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