
USPTO Enhances Trademark Postal System

November 25, 2004
USPTO Enhances Trademark Postal System
The Department of Commerce’s United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) has recently added 10 new forms to TPostal, the agency’s electronic bulk mailing system for trademark related notices.

According to a press release by the USPTO, TPostal uses the US Postal Service’s Web-based NetPost Mailing Online system to print, stamp, and mail post card notices to trademark filers within 24 hours.

Using postcards rather than windowed letters not only saves time, but also reduces labor, materials and postage costs, resulting in considerable savings to the USPTO.

In today’s competitive marketplace, information regarding the status of a new trademark application or renewal can provide a critical business edge. These forms are now among the 13 notices using the faster TPostal notification system.

The notices are sent in an electronic file to the Postal Service. The Postal Service, in turn, electronically sends the notices to the appropriate local Post Offices and checks the addresses provided by the USPTO against the postal database.

For example, TPostal notices that are destined for applicants or registrants in California will be printed and mailed at a California post office, thereby reducing the time for delivery, usually by the next day, and more notices are delivered to the correct address with fewer returns.

The TPostal system has been used successfully since 2002 to notify trademark applicants or owners of abandonment of an application, publication of a mark for opposition, or extension of time to oppose a mark.

Today, during a typical week TPostal will process 13 different notices on 6,900 postcards, almost 1,000 a day. The electronic system saves the USPTO at least $64,000 a year in postage alone.



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