
NCA Launches Enforcement Scheme in Efforts to Strike Software Pirating

September 22, 2003
NCA Launches Enforcement Scheme in Efforts to Strike Software PiratingAccording to the state department’s Action Plan on Boosting China’s Software Industry (between 2002 and 2005), in early June of 2003 the NCA (National Copyright Administration), the Ministry of Information Industry, the Public Security Department, and the National Administration of Industry and Commerce jointly launched an Enforcement Scheme in an effort to strike software pirating.

The Enforcement Scheme requires the relevant departments at all levels to cooperate closely by taking effective measures in an effort to strengthen the act of combating software pirating. Meanwhile, with a concentration on those companies that sell hardware and provide customers with collective computer software, the departments need to emphasize the area of software pre-installation.

The Enforcement Scheme also requires that the departments thoroughly investigate and resolve the cases of illegal software reproduction that occur over the Internet. By pushing forward the legalization of software reproduction, the departments also need to further emphasize and improve the registration system for computer software.

The National Copyright Administration, the Ministry of Information Industry, the Public Security Department, and the National Administration of Industry and Commerce have jointly formed an inspection group. The inspection group will annually examine the rectifying work in each department and set up an effective long term mechanism that will enable all the involved departments to closely cooperate in order to control software infringement and pirating.



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