
China To Establish Intellectual Property Alert System

September 8, 2003
China To Establish Intellectual Property Alert SystemExcerpted from www.ip.net.cn

Published on www.ip.net.cn on Sep. 8th, 2003

On September 3, at the China International Patent Technology and Products Exhibit held in Dalian, Zhang Qing, the deputy director of the State Administration of Intellectual Property Rights commented on the establishment of an “IP alert system.” He said that China would establish its intellectual property alert system at three different levels in order to help the government, enterprises, and research institutes in market competition relating to issues of intellectual property rights.

Qing said that the three levels of the alert system will include: a) Inspectors or examiners who work at the State Administration of Intellectual Property Rights will maintain records concerning the important issues on various cases into a Patent Examination Alert System. b) Administrations of Intellectual Property Rights and People’s Courts at local levels will input data and characteristics concerning the important issues on various cases into the alert system. c) Through the alert system’s function of monitoring custom’s import and export trade over the internet, China will conduct a dynamic test on China’s import and export trade volume in efforts to locate the type of commercial goods that growing the most rapidly.

These three types of computer systems will be able to process the data and analyze them. Should the data be out of normal range, the alert systems will turn on yellow lights, bringing the abnormality to the viewers’ attention. In addition, when the data reaches a certain level, the systems will issue an alert notice to the state, relevant departments, and units to bring it to their attention.



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