
MIP Report Shows Unitalen Ranked No.2 among All Global Firms in PCT Applications

January 4, 2017

According to the report published by Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) magazine in October 2009, for all PCT applications around the world, which were filed between July 1, 2006 and June 30, 2007 with the 30 months’ deadlines between January 2009 and December 2009 and had been already publicized, Unitalen is the runner up in PCT filings following a US law firm, with 687 applications filed, Unitalen is also the only Chinese law firm found among the Top 5 IP legal service providers around the world.

As one of the authoritative global IP journals, MIP conducted the PCT applications rankings, based on the patent applications data provided by WIPO, of the Top 20 PCT filing law firms around the world, and the Top 10 PCT filing law firms in 14 major IP markets, including China.



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