
Unitalen's 11th and 12th Hope Schools in Start

May 3, 2016

Unitalen has recently received the donation certificate from China Youth Development Foundation (CYDF) for long-term support to CYDF’s “Hope Project”. Meanwhile Unitalen’s donation of 800 thousand yuan made in 2015 and 2016 will be put into the construction of two elementary schools, which will be Unitalen’s 11th and 12th Hope schools.

The two schools in the construction project are Tacheng Village Center School (Tacheng) in Yunnan province and Jieling Center School in Hunan province. Their current school buildings are in dangerous condition. Due to limited space on plain and the bumpy location, students don’t have much room for activities and their study and life are challenged by lack of facilities. Under Unitalen support, new buildings will be constructed and the old facilities will be improved so as to accommodate more school-age children and improve their study environment and activities.





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