
Unitalen enters the "List of technology transfer service organizations to be supported in 2014"

August 14, 2014

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Science and Technology Commission announced the list of technology transfer service organizations to be supported in 2014, including 84 organizations of well-known universities, research institutes and technology companies, and Unitalen was one of them.

Over the years, with its comprehensive strength in the patent business area, Unitalen has been providing a series of patent transfer and licensing services for enterprises, with a full range of advices given on implementation after patent identification and patent technological achievements transformation.At the same time, the abundant customer resources accumulated in the past twenty years also form a convenient and effective way for patent exchanges between enterprises. Unitalen’s services in the patent transfer and licensing cover the whole process of intellectual property services and create a good reputation. Being listed as a technology transfer service organization to be supported now also shows the wide recognition of Unitalen.

In selection, the list of technology transfer services organizations to be supported in 2014 was proposed in accordance with the relevant provisions of "Beijing Technology Innovation Action Plan (2014-2017)" and "Guiding Opinions on Further Promoting the Development of Technology Services", through organization application and expert review.

Technology transfer is an important part of the implementation of China's independent innovation strategy, and the key sector for technological innovation and core competitiveness improvement of enterprises. According to relevant policies, the state will arrange special funds for technology transfer in science and technology programs, to support organizations in services promotion for technology transfer and capacity building of demonstration institutions.



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