
Unitalen’s Guangzhou Branch Co-sponsored IP training with Guangdong IP Bureau

December 5, 2009
Recently, Unitalen’s Guangzhou Branch co-sponsored an IP training event for local enterprises in Huizhou as a positive response to the policy of the Guangdong IP Bureau. Mr. Changming Lu, a senior partner from Unitalen Beijing headquarter and Mr. Haiding Zhang, the board chairman of Unitalen Guangzhou branch office were present as the guest speakers.

Held in Huizhou, this training program attracted around two hundreds participants from more than one hundred companies in the region covering Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Guangzhou, Dongguan, Foshan, etc. Mr. Changming Lu, a senior partner and patent attorney from Unitalen Beijing headquarter explained how to recognize a company’s patent resources and how to plan its patent application strategy from a technical point of view. Mr. Haiding Zhang, the board chairman of Unitalen Guangzhou branch office and a senior expert in IP practices analyzed the situation of foreign companies’ IP market operation and protection in developed countries and provided many valuable and practical advices for participants. Mr. Yuefeng He, the chief of the Statute Section in Policy & Statute Department of the General Administration of Customs has a hot discussion with the participants on the issues of the Customs policy protection and patent management for enterprises.



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