
“European Patent Protection Peak Forum” successfully held by Unitalen

November 29, 2008
On the afternoon of October 22, 2008, “European Patent Protection Peak Forum” sponsored by Unitalen Attorneys at Law (Unitalen) was held in Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park of Shanghai. Focused on patent protection in Europe, the forum gathered professionals from 15 famous enterprises from Shanghai and over 30 executives from foreign-invested enterprises in Shanghai. Great support was received from Shanghai Pudong IP Center.

The forum had the honor to invite Mr. Walter Maiwald and Mr. Korbinian Kopf, respectively founder and partner of the famous German firm “Maiwald Patentanwalts GmbH” as speakers to give comprehensive presentation on “European patent protection”. In order to be close to enterprises’ need and to give better instruction on “European patent prosecution & enforcement”, the two speakers proposed strategies and solutions to enterprises of Zhangjiang Hi-tech Park by way of Q/A, which was well received by participants. Based on the practical demands, the executives from foreign-invested enterprises put forward their questions actively, enlivening the atmosphere of the forum. They all felt like benefiting from this forum a lot, not only learning approaches for solving practical problems but also broadening knowledge on European patent protection.

As a famous IP firm in China, Unitalen makes use of its abundant industrial and professional resources to hold various kinds of IP forums and lectures on regular basis, inviting famous professionals to introduce foreign-related IP knowledge and to solve foreign-related IP issues, and providing intercommunications among enterprises.



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