
Unitalen Invited to Attend WMF 2008

April 3, 2008
During March 7 -10, the 12th "International Exhibition on Woodworking Machinery and Furniture Manufacturing Equipment" and "International Exhibition on Furniture Accessories, Materials and Wood Products" (WMF) was held at China International Exhibition Center (CIEC). Unitalen Attorneys at Law was invited to attend the WMF as the only designated Intellectual Property (IP) consultant.

This WMF attracted more than 600 well-known exhibitors. And over 35,000 people visited the Expo, including teamed purchasers from Southeast Asia, Europe and North America.

As IP consultant of the WMF Unitalen provided the enterprises with consultations on application of trademark and patent, the management of infringement, avoidance of infringement, anti-counterfeit, etc. The attorneys from Unitalen provided insightful guidance on the maintenance of infringement.

Besides this, Unitalen conducted IP investigations to more than 100 enterprises of different sizes, involving over ten pertinent and guiding questions including current IP status, etc. The result of the investigation showed that over 60% of enterprises know about IP and have come across IP issues in business operations. Thus the enterprises need comprehensive help and guidance from professional organizations and attorneys.



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