
Patent Re-examination Board Declares Patent No. 200430049890.2 Valid

May 3, 2008
Upon the applicant’s request that the Patent Re-examination Board declare the layout design patent (No.200430049890.2) entitled “Paper shredders” invalid, Shenzhen Vigorhood Electronics Co., Ltd, the owner of the patent entrusted Mr. Liu Hongxun and Gu Runfeng,lawyers at Unitalen Attorneys at Law, to represent them to deal with the case.

Unitalen took the view that the attachments 1-16 provided by the applicant were not enough to prove the identical or the similar layout design was published or used in China before the application date of the patent. Therefore, the layout design patent(No.200430049890.2) conformed to the provisions of Article 23 of the Patent Law of China.

Recently, the Patent Re-examination Board of SIPO published the Decision No. 11080 declaring that the layout design patent (No.200430049890.2) remains valid.



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