
French Enterprise infringes Chinese enterprise’s trademark right in France and Unitalen helps Chinese enterprise obtain 60,000 euros for compensation

August 8, 2007
Loncin Industry (Group) Co., Ltd (hereinafter “Loncin”) has been entered into a Trademark Infringement Settlement Agreement with a French motorcycle sales company and obtained 60,000 euros which is equivalent to RMB 600,000 for compensation on June 11. Mr. Luo Junde, general manager of Chongqing branch office of Unitalen Attorneys at Law which acts for LONCIN, said that, as far as the up-to-date information is concerned, this is the first successful overseas case on IP enforcement case of Chongqing enterprises.

Last September, LONCIN European branch office found a French non-authorized dealer sold counterfeiting ATV (all-terrain vehicles) of LONCIN in Frankfurt. LONCIN, therefore, appointed Unitalen Attorneys at Law to conduct an investigation and collect evidences promptly. Mr. Luo said, the investigators found that this French company imported a batch of low-priced ATV from Chinese coastal area and sold the counterfeits with the trademark of LONCIN. Meanwhile, the investigators detected that the fake goods fabricated an OC certificate of LONCIN (European standard certification).

October, 2006, LONCIN sent out two representatives to France in an effort to understand the details of the case and sued the French company for trademark infringement. The French company committed to infringement and offered for mediation with compensation for damages and in the meantime, would like to sell the products of LONCIN as a local sales agent. After two hearings in the court and consultations, the French company agreed to pay 60,000 euros to LONCIN for compensation.

Mr. Luo said that the French company would like to sell the products of LONCIN as a local sales agent of LONCIN in the course of settlement and negotiations. Presently, the French company is negotiating with LONCIN for cooperation matters.

This case has attracted everyone's attention as soon as the same was published in The Chongqing Business Daily for the first time. The cqnews net (Chongqing news website), United Morning Newspaper, and zgwq net (Chinese right enforcement website), etc., a total of more than ten well-known media re-published and reported to the public the same respectively.

(For more information, please contact Unitalen Attorneys at Law)



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