
Unitalen safeguards the trademark “travel star” on behalf of Beijing Travel Star New Technology Co., Ltd.

March 29, 2007
The dispute of trademark “travel star”, closely concerned by public, has come to an end recently. On behalf of Beijing Travel Star Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Travel Star),Unitalen has come to significantly beneficial terms of settlement with the opposite party out of the court. Facing the opposed party, one of the Fortune 500, Travel Star entrusted Unitalen to safeguard the legal rights of the company. After accepting the case, attorneys from Unitalen analyzed the evidence immediately and found that the chance of winning the case is optimistic if proper legal means are adopted despite the uneven contest. Unitalen set up task force, hold on simulated court case, carried out comprehensive arguments and took administrative and legal actions at the same time. With the full cooperation and hard working of the attorneys, the opposed party compromised before the court session and came to terms of settlement with Travel star. The opposed party agrees to stop using the mark “TRAVEL STAR”, to apologize to Travel star and to pay large amount of economic compensation to Travel Star.



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