
Unitalen Won “AUPRES” Infringement and Unfair Competition Case

February 12, 2007
People’s Intermediate Court in Jining City, Shandong Province made a judgment of first instance in favor of the plaintiff, Shiseido Liyuan Cosmetics Co., Ltd. represented by Unitalen. The defendant, Hangzhou Bolaiya Cosmetics Co. Ltd., is ordered to cease its act of unfair competition immediately after the judgment enters into effect, stop using the words or indications of “AUPRES” on his product package, upholster of storefront and product advertisement, make declaration on “Chinese Consumers” to erase unfavorable affect, and compensate the plaintiff’s economic loss of RMB 250, 000 (US$32,051).

(For more details, please contact Unitalen Attorneys at Law )



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