
Unitalen Won the Final Trial of Trademark Infringement Case on Behalf of Zhengtai Group

October 31, 2006
After the first trial of Beijing second Intermediate People’s Court and the final trial of Beijing High People’s Court, the trademark infringement and unfair competition case of Zhengtai Group Co. Ltd. acted by Unitalen vs. Beijing Zhentai Yaming Illumination Science and Technology Ltd. concluded. Beijing High People’s Court held that the trademark of “正泰亞明” has infringed upon the exclusive rights of “正泰”trademark and the enterprise’s name used by Beijing Zhentai Yaming Illumination Science and Technology Ltd has constituted unfair competition, and therefore made a final judgment rejecting the appeal of Beijing Zhentai yaming Illumination Science and Technology Ltd. and sustaining the ruling of the first instance. This is a comprehensive success again on the road of trademark protection, achieved by Zhengtai Group Co. Ltd. who enjoys the well-known trademark.



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