
New Office of Unitalen Beijing Headquarter Put into Use

November 7, 2006
September 30, 2006 is a memorable date for Unitalen. The staffs of Unitalen moved into a new office with space of more than 4,000 square meters.

After expanding and renovation, the average working area per capita reaches nearly ten square meters. The equipment and function of each floor are complete and well placed with good order. The new and large archives, computer centre, photocopying room and the docketing department made the automatic office possible. The new reception lobby with great elegance, the Unitalen training room with the advanced equipment, and conference rooms named in different old city gates of Beijing show a trend of internationalization. The comfortable cafeteria, the spacious dress room and other facilities with the sense of culture provide every one with an enjoyable working environment, spotlighting our humanizing design.

This is our fourth and largest investment on the renovation of office. Every one works so hard in this bright and warm office that does not feel a busy season passing by with the beautiful fallen leaves outside the window. In this golden time, at this new home, with the lofty ideal, we look forward to a brighter future, and serving this society and clients.



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