
Unitalen Representing Zhengtai Group Co. Ltd. Wins Trademark Infringement Litigation

June 7, 2006
Entrusted by Zhengtai Group Co. (Zhengtai), owner of the well-known trademark “Zhengtai”, Unitalen brought a lawsuit against Zhengtai Yaming Illumination Science and Technology Co. Ltd (Zhengtai Yaming) before Beijing No. 2 Intermediate Court on the grounds of trademark infringement and unfair competition.

After thorough communications between Zhengtai and Unitalen and their joint efforts, Beijing No. 2 Intermediate Court issued a verdict on April 17, 2006 that Zhengtai Yaming has constituted the act of trademark infringement and unfair competition. According to the verdict, Zhengtai Yaming shall stop infringing the exclusive right of the well-known trademark “Zhengtai” as of the effective date of verdict, stop using the trade name “Zhengtai” when conducting business on goods identical with or similar to those under the “Zhengtai” trademark, and compensate the loss of Zhengtai Group Co. Ltd with RMB 120, 000. Up to now, Unitalen has succeeded in the initial turn in safeguarding the right of Zhengtai Group Co. Ltd.



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