
Unitalen Assisted Beijing Oriental Media Property Co. Ltd in Dealing with Preliminary Injunction and Defending

May 8, 2006
On March 7, 2006, Beijing No. 2 Intermediate People’s Court (hereinafter “the Court”) rendered a decision in respect of which Media Television Center applied for a preliminary injunction that the Court ordered Beijing Oriental Media Property Co. Ltd (hereinafter “Oriental Media”) to stop selling real estates, advertising and withdrawing the advertisement in the name of Oriental Media Center.

Before the Court rendered the decision, Mr. Futang Dai and Mr. Zaoyun Jiang, lawyers of Unitalen Attorneys at Law, representing Beijing Oriental Media Property Co. Ltd, made every effort to safeguard the interests and rights of Oriental Media in defending.

Eventually, the Court’s decision is in favor of Oriental Media rejecting the application for preliminary injunction filed by Media Television Center with respect to ceasing the infringement of exclusive trademark right. Unitalen succeeded in assisting Beijing Oriental Media Property Co. Ltd in defending the case.



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