
Leo Li Interviewed by “China Conference and Exhibition”

September 20, 2004
Leo Li Interviewed by “China Conference and Exhibition”
Asia’s first and world’s third biggest International Hardware Fair is about to start soon. Though it is still a rarity to have renowned law offices acting as IPR consultants in the exhibition industry, the organizers of the Hardware Fair have invited Unitalen Attorneys at Law, China’s preeminent IPR agency.

Journalists from the “China Conference and Exhibition” magazine visited Unitalen’s office to interview the agency’s Vice Director Leo Li on the occasion,. Starting with the latest developments in the Chinese conference and exhibition industry, Leo Li presented all current IPR undertakings, and pointed out that, namely because of their lack in IPR awareness, Chinese companies are often barred from participating in international fairs.

This time, IPR issues were preconceived already before the start of the fair. After careful selection, Unitalen was the only chosen to offer IPR protection legal advice to the participants.

Cooperation with professional IPR agencies has already become a hot issue at Chinese fairs and exhibitions. Hopefully, more and more fairs will also include it on their agenda, in order to strengthen relationship with enterprises.



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