
Unitalen Carries out Conference on the World IP Day

April 27, 2004
Unitalen Carries out Conference on the World IP Day
On April 26, 2004 we celebrated the Fourth World Day of Intellectual Property. The whole country witnessed various events, including conferences aimed at attracting society’s attention, building esteem and protection of Intellectual Property Rights and creating a completely new IPR environment. As one of the biggest IPR service organization in the country, Unitalen Attorneys at Law, together with Beijing International Business Incubator, held a conference named “April 26 – the World Intellectual Property Day”, therewith promoting IPR knowledge among a great number of companies.

Many Unitalen IPR experts took part at the conference. At the end of the presentations the attorneys answered the participants’ questions on IPR, and proposed relevant protection measures for each case, thus receiving everyone’s warmly welcome. Most of the thousand companies in Beijing International Business Incubator are from the sci-tech sector. The hot topics of discussion were therefore patent protection and computer programs registration. The use of trademark strategies for brand-name protection was also the focus of attention.

During the consultation Unitalen used simple and intelligible cartoons to present IPR basic knowledge, thus teaching through provoking interest, and making reference to the close relationship between IPR and everyday life. Unitalen also provided leaflet information on “Unitalen IPR lectures” to companies for further reference of theirs.

Although it was a rainy day today, more than one hundred people, thirsty for knowledge, gathered for the conference. Asked about the results of the event, Mr Wu Kai from Unitalen explained that now companies have a better idea of IPR protection. However, they are still lacking in respect of effective protection and rational use, and in how to develop and profit from IPR strategies. “Obviously, our companies are still far behind big foreign companies and multinational corporations.”

Mr Wu also stated that, holding such a conference helps people acquire a better understanding and esteem of effective protection, thus leading to prosperity for both companies and individuals.
The International IPR Day celebration was jointly proposed by China and Algeria, and received with applauds, at the 34th Series of Meetings of the Assemblies of the Member States of WIPO in 1999. The decision was taken at the 35th Series of Meetings in 2000, and April 26 was set out as a formal day of celebration.

The purposes of having such an IPR Day are: to propagate the respect for knowledge, to advocate scientific and IPR protection knowledge, to foster knowledge innovation and to create a legal environment for IPR protection throughout the world. Celebrating this Day and carrying out related events will also strengthen IPR contribution in the worldwide economic, cultural and social development. It will improve people’s knowledge and understanding in this area of exertion of the humanity’s efforts.



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