
Mr. Bradley Yu attended a forum concerning protection and developing strategy of intellectual property for enterprises

April 20, 2004
Mr. Bradley Yu attended a forum concerning protection and developing strategy of intellectual property for enterprises
A forum concerning protection and developing strategy of intellectual property for enterprises, which was organized by AIPPI and supported by Unitalen Attorneys at Law, was held in April, 2004 in Lijiang City, Yunnan Province. Nearby seventy people from intellectual property firms, domestic and foreign corporations as well as government agencies attended the forum. On behalf of Mr. Jingchuan Wang, who is commissioner of The State Intellectual Property Office of China and president of AIPPI China Chapter, Mr. Lipu Tian, vice-president of AIPPI China Chapter, made an opening address, wishing for the success of the forum. Mr. Yibeng Yang, vice-mayor of Lijiang City, expressed hearty welcome to all the participants.

Mr. Bradley Yu attended the conference as a representative of Unitalen Attorneys at Law.



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