
IP.net--An Unlimited IP Space

August 19, 2003
With China’s accession into the WTO, China has been adapting to international rules accordingly. At the same time, intellectual property (IP) related affairs have continued to present themselves. With the recent explosion of “economic globalization,” questions concerning the definition of intellectual property rights (IPR) and how to establish effective IP strategies have become the center of discussion.

During the two years it has been put into use, the Chinese Patent & Trademark website(www.ip.net.cn)has become well known by people who work in the field of IP development. The site probes into the development of IPR theory and assists patent applications and transfer through the use of the World Wide Web.

The success of the website can be attributed to its efficient service and guidance as well as its endless innovation and creative thinking. Additionally, it provides suitable IP strategies and solutions for both enterprises and individuals. The credibility and professionalism of the website banks largely on the strong reputation and many years of experience of Unitalen Attorneys at Law, the sponsor of the website.

An authorized and intact system for patent and trademark search is one of the prominent services offered by IP.net. It has become an indispensable tool for both enterprises and individuals to find out the current status of their intellectual property and protect their

Furthermore, the daily updated IP news on the website is an invaluable feature. By accessing the “News Center” link, one has access to the newest IP developments everyday. IP.net presents creative and integrated IP Ideas with its reliable service and tireless work.



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