
China Leads Global IP Applications Filing

February 28, 2017

According to the 2016 World Intellectual Property Index reported by WIPO on November 23 in Geneva, there had been around 2.9 million patent applications received from all over the world in 2015, up 7.8% from 2014; China was the biggest contributor with over 1 million patent applications in a span of one year for the first time. (Source: CRI.cn)According to the 2016 World Intellectual Property Index reported by WIPO on November 23 in Geneva, there had been around 2.9 million patent applications received from all over the world in 2015, up 7.8% from 2014; China was the biggest contributor with over 1 million patent applications in a span of one year for the first time. (Source: CRI.cn)



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