
The Second ID5 Forum Held in Beijing

February 28, 2017

On November 1, 2016, EU Intellectual Property Office (EUPO), Japan Patent Office (JPO), Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), the State Intellectual Property Office of P.R.China (SIPO), and US Patent & Trademark Office (USPTO) met in Beijing for 2016 ID5 Forum (the industrial design framework comprised of the 5 IP offices mentioned above). Obsderver from the World Intellectural Property Office (WIPO) also attended the event at invitation. The forum reiterated the goals set forth in the first forum, which took place in 2015, and continued to push the establishment of an efficient industrial design protection system that can be adopted among all member states.


The 5 offices decided to cooperate in various aspects of industrial design, such as examination practice study, automated supporting system, industrial design classification, quality improvement, statistics and etc., and to work together to explore the possible solutions in respnose to emerging technologies and new issues related to industrial designs. To provide openness and transparency, the 5 offices decided to launch an ID5 coopeation website (www.id-five.org) as a platform to share the information and projects’ progress with the public. 



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