
Unitalen Listed in 2017 WTR 1000

May 2, 2017

Recently, World Trademark Review (WTR) publishes the 2017 The World’s Leading Trademark Professionals rank, and Unitalen Trademark Team is among Tier 1 in the categories of “trademark application and strategy” and Tier 2 in the categories of “trademark protection and litigation”. In addition, Unitalen lawyers, Yongbo Li was selected as a distinguished lawyer in the field of "trademark protection and litigation"; and Chen Dan, Zhao Lei and Huang Ying were selected as outstanding lawyers in the field of "trademark application and strategy".


WTR comments on Unitalen as follows:  

A deep bench of professionals and a web of offices across China, Japan and the United States give Unitalen the capacity to dispatch even the most taxing instructions with aplomb. The firm is a prodigious filer, processing some 10,000 applications a year. A stalwart on that side of the practice is Ying Huang, who recently successfully obtained invalidations on behalf of Chateau Lafite Rothschild. The international trademark team is captained by Ray Zhao, who lately impressed representing Ferrari in opposition proceedings. With the distilled wisdom of some 22 years’ practice, Dan Chen is a go-to professional for complex trademark management and tricky anti-counterfeiting problems. “Meticulous, thorough and trustworthy, she is our first recommendation for portfolio work,” enthuses one foreign associate. Support comes from Robert Li, another hardened trial lawyer.



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