
China Tops Patent Filing Amount in Nanoscience

October 31, 2017

During the 7th China International Nanoscience and Technology Conference held in Beijing on August 29th, Springer Nature Group, the National Center for Nanoscience of P.R. China, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Documentary Center jointly released "China Nanoscience and Technology Development Overview" white paper, which pointed out that China has become an important contributor to the world’s nanoscience and technological progress, leading in some foundation researches, and topping the number of nano patent applications.


In the past two decades, the total number of nano patent applications in China has reached 209,344, accounting for 45% of the world's total, more than twice the total amount of US applications for the same period, and its growth rate is much higher than the world average. According to statistics, China has a large number of patent applications in many popular fields of nano-technology application, most of which are polymer synthesis and supramolecular compounds patents, including coatings, printing ink, colourants, adhesives, fiber materials and textile processing technology etc. (Source: Beijing Daily)



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