
China Customs Special IP Protection Action Nation-wide For 3 Months

October 31, 2017

According to the General Administration of Customs of P.R. China (GAC), commencing September 1, the Customs nationwide will carry out a special IP protection action named “DRAGON” in favor of export businesses with IP advantages, in order to provide a fair and orderly environment for Chinese businesses to go abroad.


It is reported that during the three-month action, the Customs nationwide will carry out IP enforcement surrounding exports to Africa, Middle East, Latin America and the countries/regions along "one belt one road" routes, with focuses on small appliances, mobile electronic products, engineering machinery, daily necessities, holiday products, specialty products and other products with traditional advantages.


The Customs will designate contact person for the key businesses listed in this action, for assisting the businesses in coordinating with the port customs and the relevant IP enforcement organs. The GAC will make full use of the mutual aid channels with foreign customs, and provide support to the key businesses in terms of intelligence backup, evidence collection and case verification.


According to the preliminary data of 2017 as of June 30, Chinese customs have seized 6,721 batches of infringing goods in imports and exports, involving 24.72 million pieces of goods and 80.98 million yuan’s value. 3,742 IP customs recordal applications were newly approved, involving 1,426 right owners. (Source: China Economic Net)



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