
Unitalen Ranked among “2018 IAM Global 1000”

July 14, 2018

Recently, the international authoritative IP business media "Intellectual Asset Management" (IAM) announced the latest rankings in 2018, and Unitalen was selected into "2018 IAM Global Patent 1000", and, by the virtue of distinguished advantages in the fields of patent procurement, patent litigation and patent transactions, again included in the list of recommended firms. In addition, Unitalen Deputy Director Deshan Li, as a trusted expert in the field of patent prosecution, once again won the honor of outstanding figures.


IAM Ranking made the following comment on Unitalen:

Twenty-one offices across mainland China, Hong Kong and Taiwan guarantee market mainstay Unitalen a commanding presence on the regional patent scene. With no technical discipline out of reach and the ability to work seamlessly across English, French, German and Spanish, its 180 attorneys are a huge draw for major multinational clients seeking protection. The exceptional professionals are au fait with US and Japanese dispute resolution procedures, so rights holders from both these countries and within China can count on a strong contentious offering to protect their assets. Vice president Deshan Li oversees the international side of the practice. Armed with a background in physics, he is an adroit operator in both prosecution and litigation.


The IAM Global Patent 1000 is ranked annually after in-depth researches on IP litigation and non-litigation practicing lawyers and firms in the major global jurisdictions in their respective fields of expertise, recommending leading patent firms and patent experts worldwide. The book has been published for seven years and its analytical data provides an authoritative value of reference for patent practitioners.



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