
China AI Development Report 2018 Released

September 21, 2018

Recently China Science and Technology Policy Research Center of Tsinghua University released "China Artificial Intelligence (AI) Development Report 2018". The report indicates that China has become the country with the largest numbers of AI patents in the world, slightly ahead of the United States and Japan, and the three countries accounted for 74% of the number of published patents in the worldwide range.


In 2017, the scale of China's AI market reached 23.7 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 67%, and the number of AI businesses reached 1,011, second only to the United States' 2,028. In terms of major applicants, IBM, Microsoft and Samsung are the top three filers for AI patent applications worldwide, followed by and The State Grid Corporation of China, with rapid development in AI related technology in the past five years. Meanwhile, among the Top 30 institutions holding AI patents in China, the performances of research institutes and colleges are well-matched with businesses, accounting for 52% and 48% respectively.


 (Source: http://www.iprchn.com/)



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