
The Supreme IP Court Came into Force on Jan 1, 2019 in Beijing

March 13, 2019

The IP Court of the Supreme People's Court of China (hereinafter referred to as “the IP Court”) came alive in Beijing on January 1. Ever since, the IP Court had taken on its statutory duties to accept the relevant cases as follows.


The “Provisions of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues concerning the Intellectual Property Tribunal”, which was issued earlier, stipulates that the IP Court has a jurisdiction on the appeals of first-instance judgements made by the Higher People's Court, the Intellectual Property Court, and the Intermediate People's Court on IP cases involving high level of technicality, such as patents, subject to the following seven major categories - invention patents, utility model patents, new plant varieties, IC layout designs, technical secrets, computer software and anti-trust


 (Source: Beijing Business Daily)



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