
China Trademark Intelligent Graphic Retrieval Launched

March 13, 2019

CNIPA has recently released the intelligent graphic retrieval feature for trademarks. It’s another significant achievement following the launch of the full-scale online trademark services and trademark database to the public for free, symbolizing a new starting point for the trademark examination in China to transform from automation to intelligence.


The application of intelligent retrieval technology has realized the transformation of the trademark examination work from manual search by typing to “search by graph”, effectively avoiding the problems raised by possible different standards in human judgements.


It is reported that up to now, among all member states of the Trademark Five Parties (China, the United States, the European Union, Japan, and South Korea), China has taken the lead in applying the graphic intelligent retrieval to the examination practice, thus has found a new path that best fits China’s nearly 35 million trademark data in storage.


(Source: China National Intellectual Property Office website)



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