
Unitalen Ranks among Top Tier in WTR1000 of 2019

March 13, 2019


Recently, the international acclaim trademark law professional media "World Trademark Review" (WTR) published the WTR1000 directory, the list of the world's leading trademark legal services in 2019. Unitalen ranks among top tiers both in the "Prosecution and Strategy" and " Enforcement and Litigation". Unitalen partners Zhao Lei, Chen Dan and Huang Ying were selected as recommended individuals in the field of “Prosecution and Strategy”. Li Wei was selected as recommended individual in the field of “Enforcement and Litigation”.


WTR publish “WTR1000 Directory” every year, which covers 70 jurisdictions around the world and has high reference value in the global trademark industry. At present, the directory has been released to the ninth series. Unitalen has been well-recognized for its high-quality professional services and comprehensive strength for many years.



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