
Unitalen Successfully Co-hosted 2019 INTA Pre-Annual Meeting

April 19, 2019

On the afternoon of March 22nd, 2019, the 2019 INTA Pre-Annual Meeting Reception jointly hosted by the International Trademark Association (INTA), Beijing Unitalen IP Agency Co., Ltd., Beijing Unitalen Attorneys at Law and Zhongguancun Vision IP Innovation Institute was held in Beijing. Chaired by Mr. Zhao Lei, Unitalen Partner, the meeting started with the Beijing IP Court judge sharing typical cases to discuss the trademark cocurrent issues found in refusal, opposition and invalidation procedures; followed by the Beijing Higher People’s Court judge sharing the statistics of the cases concerning authorization and determination of 2018 and discussion of the hot issues in this area. Then the meeting ended with Unitalen partner, Ms. Zhou Dandan, sharing her practical experience in dealing with Internet IP right cases.



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