
China and Argentina IP Offices Launched PPH Pilot Program

September 24, 2019

According to the "Joint Declaration of Intent on Cooperation in the Field of Patent Examination Highway (PPH) between the CNIPA of P.R. China and the National Industrial Property Office of Argentina (INPI)”, the CNIPA-INPI PPH pilot program will be launched on September 2, 2019 for a period of two years until September 1, 2021. The PPH pilot will only apply for the patent applications filed after 2009. The two offices each will receive a maximum of 300 PPH requests, of which the PPH request to INPI has a limit of 70 in the electrical field.


The applicants may submit a PPH request to CNIPA in accordance with the “Procedure for Submitting a PPH Request to the China State Intellectual Property Office (CNIPA) under the CNIPA-INPI Patent Examination Highway (PPH) Pilot Project”; and submit a PPH request to the National Institute of Industrial Property of Argentina (INPI) in accordance with the “Procedure for Submitting a PPH Request to the National Industrial Property Office of Argentina (INPI) under the CNIPA-INPI Patent Examination Highway (PPH) Pilot Project”. (Source: China National Intellectual Property Office)



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