
Nice NCL11-2020 Clarification Table for China-Japan-South Korea Trademark Applicants

February 25, 2021

Per the arrangement among China, Japan and South Kore for the cooperation in the field of trademark protection, the Trademark Office of the China National IP Administration recently announced the comparison table of codes for China-Japan-South Korea similar groups of goods and services under code of the Nice Classification NCL11-2020.For details please follow the link to the table: Nice NCL11-2020 Classification Table

(Source: CNIPA website)



雷州市| 张掖市| 沂水县| 上思县| 泽州县| 文成县| 丰台区| 北票市| 虹口区| 颍上县| 衡水市| 宁远县| 新巴尔虎右旗| 普宁市| 广汉市| 桃园市| 虎林市| 平湖市| 和顺县| 长岛县| 铅山县| 牡丹江市| 绥德县| 宜兰市| 酒泉市| 海丰县| 桐庐县| 迭部县| 同德县| 宁国市| 马关县| 东乌珠穆沁旗| 朝阳县| 淮阳县| 凤台县| 宜黄县| 达拉特旗| 锡林郭勒盟| 仙居县| 延边| 鄯善县|