
White Paper: Intellectual Property Protection in China in 2020

June 18, 2021

On April 25, the CNIPA issued the White Paper: Intellectual Property Protection in China in 2020, in which the practice, progress and results of intellectual property protection in China in 2020 were summarized from many aspects.

In terms of protection results, China's results of intellectual property protection in 2020 were widely acknowledged by innovative entities in various countries and the international community. Social satisfaction on intellectual property protection set a new record, reaching 80.05 points (percentage system). According to the 2020 Global Innovation Index Report released by the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), China ranked 14th.

In terms of system construction, in 2020, China revised and unveiled 4 laws and regulations related to intellectual property rights, issued 6 judicial interpretations related to intellectual property protection, promulgated more than 20 papers concerning implementation of policies related to intellectual property protection, and published 2 national standards related to intellectual property protection.

In terms of approval and registration, the white paper pointed out that the number of all kinds of intellectual property approvals and registrations has increased continuously, and the examination quality and efficiency have been significantly enhanced. In 2020, 530,000 patents for invention were granted in China, and the number of patents for invention per 10,000 people reached 15.8. The number of trademark registrations was 5.761 million, and domestic applicants filed 7,553 applications under the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks, ranking third in the Madrid Union. The total number of copyright registrations was 5.039 million. The examination period for high value patents was reduced to 14 months, and the average examination period for trademark registration was reduced to 4 months.

In terms of international cooperation, the white paper pointed out that in 2020, China continued to deepen exchanges and cooperation with international organizations such as the WIPO and intellectual property institutions in various countries and regions. The Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances entered into force, and the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement and the China-EU Geographical Indications Protection and Cooperation Agreement were officially signed, promoting the development of the global intellectual property governance system in a more equitable and rational direction.

China released the first white paper on intellectual property protection in 1994. The white papers on intellectual property protection have been compiled and released annually for more than 20 years since 1998.

(Source: CHINA Official WeChat Account)



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