
The CNIPA Director Shen Changyu Held a Video Conference with the EUIPO Executive Director Christian Archambeau

June 30, 2021

Recently, Shen Changyu, Director of the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) held a video conference with Christian Archambeau, Executive Director of the European Union Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO).

Shen stated that the China-EU Trademark Information Exchange Agreement signed between the two offices last year was successfully implemented. China's trademark data was officially launched on the EUIPO's trademark search platform on May 19. At the same time, the EU trademark search system developed by the CNIPA has also been formally put into use.

Christian Archambeau expressed that the cooperation on the exchange of trademark data between the two offices is a long-term project. The EU trademark search system was put into operation in China, and the Chinese trademark data was officially launched on TMview, which will greatly facilitate trademark search for IP users in the two places.

The two sides also exchanged views on the Trademark Cooperation Meeting of Five Offices (TM5), the Industrial Design Cooperation Meeting of Five Offices (ID5), the China-EU IP Key project and negotiation progress of the Memorandum of Understanding between the two offices.

(Source: CNIPA Official WeChat Account)



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