
China-Cambodia High-Level Meeting on Intellectual Property Held

August 31, 2021

On July 22, Shen Changyu, Commissioner of China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA), met Cham Prasidh, Senior Minister and Minister of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation of the Kingdom of Cambodia, via video conferencing. The two sides signed the 2021-2022 China-Cambodia Intellectual Property Rights Cooperation Plan.

Shen Changyu stated that, over the years, particularly in the field of patent examination, validation of Chinese valid invention patents in Cambodia through filing has offered Chinese patentees in Cambodia an expedited route to IPR protection. In the 2021-2022 China-Cambodia Intellectual Property Rights Cooperation Plan, the two sides will steadily proceed with existing cooperation projects and launch new projects in sectors such as technology and human resources.

Cham Prasidh highly appreciated the progress made in Cambodia-China bilateral cooperation on IP, especially in the field of patent examination. He stated that Cambodia will further enhance exchange and cooperation with CNIPA. (Source: CNIPA website)



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