
CNIPA-JPO Heads Meeting Held Online

November 9, 2021

On October 13, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) Commissioner Shen Changyu and the Japan Patent Office (JPO) newly appointed Commissioner Mori Kiyoshi held their first meeting online.

Dr. Shen extended his congratulations to Mr. Mori Kiyoshi's appointment and introduced China's 15-year Plan (2021-2035) on the Development of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR). He hoped that the two offices could continue to deepen bilateral intellectual property collaboration.

Mr. Mori Kiyoshi introduced the latest development of Japan's intellectual property-related policies, as well as the measures taken to innovate the working mode for patent examination and improve service facilitation through IT since the outbreak of COVID-19. At the meeting, the two offices had exchanges on the latest intellectual property-related policies and law revision of the two countries and shared views on international intellectual property affairs of common concern.

(Source: CHINA Official WeChat Account)



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