
China and Mexico Signed a New Version of the Intellectual Property Cooperation Memorandum

December 29, 2021

Shen Changyu, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) Commissioner, and Alfredo Rendon, Director General of the Mexican Institute of Industrial Property (IMPI) met online and signed a new version of the Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation on December 7, 2021.

Shen Changyu stated that the IMPI was the first IP government institute in Latin America with which the CNIPA established a cooperative relationship and now is an important partner of the CNIPA. Shen Changyu represented the hope that both sides will continue to maintain close communication under the framework of the new version of the Memorandum of Understanding, further deepen the cooperative relationship, and provide better services for IP users in both countries and the world.

Alfredo Rendon said that Mexico pays high attention to the cooperation with the CNIPA and hopes to further expand the cooperation scope and deepen cooperation with China and strengthen interaction with China in multilateral occasions so as to jointly perfect the international IP system.(Source: CHINA Official WeChat Account)



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