
China and Denmark Signed the First Intellectual Property Cooperation Memorandum

December 29, 2021

Shen Changyu, the China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) Commissioner, and Sune Stampe Sorensenthe, Director General of the Danish Patent and Trademark Office (DKPTO) met online recently and signed the "Memorandum of Understanding on Cooperation between the CNIPA and the DKPTO" on the meeting.

Shen Changyu said that the CNIPA and the DKPTO had frequent interaction and continuously deepening exchange and cooperation in recent years. The first Memorandum marks the beginning of a new phase of cooperation between the two offices. It is expected that the two sides will continue to carry out legal policy exchanges based on the Memorandum, promote cooperation on the Patent Prosecution Highway (PPH), further deepen the pragmatic cooperation between the two offices in the field of intellectual property rights, and jointly provide more efficient and convenient intellectual property services for innovation entities in China and Denmark.

Sune Stampe Sorensen said that for a long time, the two offices have had a close relationship and fruitful achievements through the bilateral cooperation. Sune Stampe Sorensen also expressed the hope that both sides could take the signing of Memorandum as an opportunity to jointly promote the development of the intellectual property undertakings of the two countries and provide a more friendly environment for the IP users in the two countries. (Source: CHINA Official WeChat Account)



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