
CNIPA and IPO UK Published Guidelines for Intellectual Property Protection

December 29, 2021

The China National Intellectual Property Administration (CNIPA) Commissioner Shen Changyu hosted a meeting online with Comptroller General Tim Moss of the Intellectual Property Office of the United Kingdom (IPO UK) on November 23, 2021. After the meeting, the two offices published guidelines for intellectual property protection in China and in UK.

The《Guidelines on Trademark Protection and Enforcement in China》edited and translated by the CNIPA details the procedures of the trademark protection system in China, including trademark registration and application, examination, opposition, infringement, and relief, and provides practical information such as online retrieval, online application, and trademark protection strategies. The《Protecting Your Intellectual Property in the UK》edited and translated by the IPO UK covers intellectual property fields including copyright, patent, and trademark, and introduces the influences of Brexit on the intellectual property system in UK. The two guidelines will provide guide and suggestions on intellectual property protection for IP users in China and UK.

Attachment 1: Guidelines on Trademark Protection and Enforcement in China (English version).pdf

Attachment 2: Protecting Your Intellectual Property in the UK (English version).pdf

(Source: CHINA Official WeChat Account)



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