
2022 IP5 Deputy Heads Meeting Held via Video Conferencing

May 18, 2022

On April 7, 2022, the 2022 IP5 Deputy Heads Meeting was hosted by the European Patent Office (EPO) through video conferencing. Lu Pengqi, Deputy Commissioner of the CNIPA, led a delegation to attend the Meeting. Christoph Ernst, Deputy Director of the EPO, chaired the Meeting. Iwasaki Susumu, Deputy Commissioner of the Japan Patent Office (JPO), Kim Yong-sun, Deputy Head of the Korea Intellectual Property Office (KIPO), and Valencia Martin Wallace, Deputy Commissioner for Patents, U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO), led their delegations to the 2022 IP5 Deputy Heads Meeting. Lisa Jorgensen, Deputy Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), attended the meeting as an observer.

At the meeting, IP5 Deputy Heads reviewed the cooperation project proposals to be submitted to IP5 Heads for approval. This Meeting lays a solid foundation for the upcoming IP5 Heads of Office with IP5 Industry Meeting and the IP5 Heads of Office Meeting to be held in June.

(Source: CNIPA Official WeChat Account)



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