
Unitalen Client PIGEON's Right Protection Case Was Selected into Top Ten Typical Cases of IP Judicial Protection of 2021 by Chongqing Court

May 18, 2022

On April 19, the Chongqing Higher People's Court and the Sichuan Higher People's Court jointly held a joint press conference on the IP judicial protection of the Sichuan-Chongqing District People's Court. "Case Concerning Disputes over Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition Between Chongqing Pigeon Electric Wire & Cable Co., Ltd. and Chongqing GE HUANG Electric Wire and Cable Group Co., Ltd., Happy Time Building Materials Management Department of High-tech Industrial Development Zone" represented by Unitalen was selected as one of the top ten typical cases of IP judicial protection by Chongqing court in 2021.

Related Link: Damages of 10 Million Yuan Awarded by the Court! 10-year Trademark Dispute between Pigeon Company and GE HUANG Group Finally Settled



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