
Unitalen IP Awarded as "Outstanding IP Service Team in China" (2021)

August 10, 2022

Recently, the "12th China IP International Annual Forum 2022 Annual Conference of In-house IP Managers in China" hosted by the China Intellectual Property magazine announced the annual awards online. Unitalen won another honor as "Outstanding IP Service Team in China (2021)" with its high-quality service, excellent professional qualification and efficient team operation.



平湖市| 会泽县| 桓台县| 平度市| 岳池县| 登封市| 牡丹江市| 紫金县| 浦城县| 靖西县| 烟台市| 大同市| 河西区| 滕州市| 合江县| 根河市| 密云县| 赤城县| 年辖:市辖区| 迁西县| 阿克苏市| 三台县| 军事| 聂荣县| 新民市| 福建省| 信宜市| 太保市| 额敏县| 丰原市| 屏边| 安图县| 蚌埠市| 丰台区| 浦县| 房产| 新蔡县| 八宿县| 罗城| 永昌县| 信阳市|